Corsham beer bar progress

Work at the bar rapidly overtook my attempt to document it! For up to date info on our bar/shop in Corsham head over ...

New beer - Dubbel Espresso

We are very excited to release our latest 'white label' beer - Dubbel Espresso. I would rate this as the most challe...

Lockdown v2 - take away, deliveries and new beer...

With another lockdown starting on Thursday we will have to close our tap room for on-site drinking until December 2nd...

Monthly membership plans

Become a member and support your local brewery! Great deals, sign-up gifts and other rewards. Each month we will del...

Latest 'White Label' beer - Session Sour

Our 'White Label' range of beers are constantly changing experimental brews that let us try out totally different sty...

Beautiful new cans!

Meet our beautiful new cans!

New White Label: White IPA

This is a delicious hybrid IPA that combines a Hefeweizen (German wheat beer) yeast strain with Jarrylo, Amarillo and...

Taproom Re-opening Event!

In line with government guidelines, we will be re-opening our taproom for onsite drinking on July 4th. All seating wi...

New White label release, number 013: Hefeweizen

New beer in our White label range now available - Hefeweizen!

Helping our Hospital Heroes

Frontline is a special edition of our Faultline Pale Ale, with proceeds going to our local RUH to help support them a...

How do I get beer?

  We are operating a FREE local delivery service within a 10 mile driving range of Bradford on Avon. The exact day of...

COVID-19 – Our Response

We are living in challenging and uncertain times right now. Our priority is to try to do everything we can to safegu...
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